Shamanic Breath
The Breath is the Gateway to Life's Magic & the Universe
The Shamanic Breath you will be guided through, comes from the Amazigh tradition. The Amazigh People are the first nation of North Africa, from which I descend through my mother’s lineage.
This practice merging deep and sustained cyclic breathing with Amazigh energy healing and channelling work, is a very special journey in your depth. It will awaken your heart/brain circuit responsible for your connection to universal wisdom (altered state of consciousness). It can be used for intention setting, awakening your self-healing (physical and emotional) abilities, connecting with your true spirit, ancestors and other supportive beings.

The breath is the gateway between the mind, body and soul. This Shamanic practice allows you to witness more consciously, and to connect with other realms of consciousness. When performed correctly, shamanic breathwork can help you remember and process trapped emotions safely, release unwanted energies, emotional baggage and restore a healthy transgenerational line.
It is through this experience with intense emotions and accompanying physical sensations that shamanic breathwork gives us our natural capacity for personal growth and higher consciousness.

With this breath practice you have the potential to heal yourself at a deep level and to repair ancestral bonds
The Benefits of Shamanic Breath
You will find the effect to be lasting about one week for the buzzing high energy sensation, and longer for pain relief, balanced emotions, clarity and other amazing benefits this modality brings. The key in benefitting fully from the Shamanic Breath is to be open to receive and to allow yourself to surrender in the process.

- Deepened Connection to Self
- Enhanced Emotional Release
- Increased Clarity and Focus
- Stress Reduction and Relaxation
- Facilitated Spiritual Growth
- Heightened Intuition and Awareness
- Improved Energy Flow
- Transformation of Limiting Beliefs
- Integration of Life Experiences
- Promotion of Mindfulness and Presence
- Facilitated Healing Processes
- Enhanced Creativity and Inspiration
- Greater Sense of Community and Support
- Empowerment and Self-Discovery
Please note that what you will receive from the practice only what is you are ready for in the moment and allowed by your body. What is sure is: it is always what you need rather than what you want.
This sustained type of breathing is not for everyone. As a very powerful energy moving practice, it is not advised for people with certain health conditions. We take your safety very strongly at heart, that’s why you will find health related questions in our registration form. Please answer these with absolute honesty. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. We are here to help.